The Importance of Accessible Picnic Settings
The latest release from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has found that there were 4.4 million Australians with a disability in 2018, which totals 17.7% of the population. From these statistics, 1 in 3 people with disability report that their customer needs are often unmet by organisations when visiting establishments. Companies are continually seen to ignore these statistics and not cater for this large proportion of the population. According to the Australian Network on Disability, 62% of SME’s have not in the past 12 months made any alterations to make it easier for customers with a disability to visit their establishment.
Public parks and playgrounds, educational facilities,
outdoor venues, aged care facilities and holiday parks, are some of the key
locations where accessible picnic settings should be provided. Unfortunately,
these areas that require accessible street furniture have not been proactive in ensuring that
their spaces are useable by people that require wheelchairs. It is important
that these facilities have wheelchair accessible street furniture so that it creates a positive interactive
environment for those with disabilities allowing them to be part of an
inclusive environment.
Following the introduction of the Disability Discrimination
Act 1992 (DDA), the increased manufacturing of DDA approved street furniture has meant there are more product options
available. There is now currently a growing trend to give options of wheelchair
accessible picnic settings and furniture items that can be used in conjunction
with standard street furniture items. The DDA states that disability
discrimination is present when a person is treated less or not given the same
opportunities because of their disability in similar situations as the rest of
the community.
This is why it is crucial for Astra Street furniture to
ensure that their range of suite options include DDA approved and wheelchair
accessible furniture options. As the Astra Street Furniture manufacturing
processes are completed 100% in Australian, it makes the task of creating
wheelchair accessible furniture achievable and able to have further
customisations. Wheelchair accessible picnic settings are achieved in a couple
of different configurations, which include single and double end accessibility,
side accessibility, and 2-sided and 4-sided wheelchair accessible options. Some
of Astra’s wheelchair and DDA options include:
- DDA Seats
- DDA Tables
- DDA Picnic Settings
- Liverpool Wheelchair Accessible Settings
- London Wheelchair Accessible Settings
Astra has already supplied a range of facilities with their wheelchair accessible and DDA approved furniture items, to create a positive and inclusive environment for those with a disability. For more information on why DDA compliance is important with street furniture, view the short article here.