How Do You Securely Fix Furniture to Fake Turf?

The question of how to properly affix furniture to synthetic grass is a prevalent one among our customers, particularly commercial property managers.

In short, the process involves choosing the right furniture placement method based on the turf's underlying surface and ensuring minimal damage to the grass fibres. In this guide, we will delve into specific techniques for different scenarios, from existing turf setups to new installations, and even touch upon flexible placement options for those who seek versatility.


Fixing Furniture onto EXISTING Synthetic Grass:

First and foremost, remember to never bring heavy machinery onto your synthetic turf. The sheer weight and its movements can potentially harm your lush green carpet. Think of your artificial grass as a carpet - because, in essence, their woven fibres are quite similar. Imagine what happens if you drill directly into a carpet? You got it – the fibres get all tangled and pulled, leading to unsightly damage. The same goes for your turf!

  • Working with Concrete Foundations
    • Consider bolt-down style furniture for a sturdy setup.
    • When it's time to drill, make sure you punch each hole spot first, ensuring a clean cut through the grass fibres. This simple step helps avoid those pesky tangles and potential damage.

  • When Turf Meets Sand & Earth
    If your artificial green lies atop sand and earth, here's your game plan:
    • Plan to place furniture? Make a neat, small flap cut in the turf where each leg will sit and gently fold it back.
    • Keep the turf safe from dirt and rogue concrete splashes when you dig those holes for the furniture.
    • Anchor the furniture using concrete for a firm fit.
    • Once everything's in place and set, trim the turf around the furniture legs. And if you have any joints to glue, follow the manufacturer's guidelines to the letter. A final pro-tip? Always leave the area spick and span post-installation!

Installing Furniture into NEW Synthetic Grass Areas Over Dirt:

In areas earmarked for new artificial grass, it's best to install the furniture first. This approach prevents any machinery or equipment from damaging the freshly laid turf.

  • Use in-ground style furniture with concrete footings.
  • Once the furniture is in place, grass installation should proceed around it.
  • If using Rubber softfall in your setup, ensure it's also installed after the furniture.

Installing Loose Placement Furniture

For those desiring flexibility and easy rearrangement, free-standing seating and bins can be loosely placed atop synthetic turf. Select ones with a broad, smooth base to minimise pressure points and potential indentations.Fixing furniture to synthetic turf can be straightforward with the right approach. By following these guidelines, you'll ensure your outdoor space remains both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether you're working with existing turf or embarking on a new installation, careful planning and execution will yield the best results. If you need help selecting the right outdoor furniture for your fake turf area, get in touch with the team at